|30 Dec 2015|Klaus Leopold

Kanban Article in the iX Magazine


Now, wait a minute, wasn’t there something else?! Oh, yeah! An iX Special Edition about the topic of agile software development and I was able to be part of it. Of course, in such a special edition for IT projects, the topic of Kanban should not be forgotten. Thus, iX requested a contribution from me. Happy to help!
The title of my article is “Establishing Interaction” and, in this case, the title says it all. The gist of it all is that optimizing individual components such as, for example, teams or departments within a complex project does not improve the project as a whole. It is more about establishing agile interaction between the participating teams and to establish a super-ordinated organization. Kanban can definitely help achieve this.
This article can be seen as a preview of my soon-to-be-released book “Kanban in der Praxis – Vom Teamfokus zur Wertschöpfung”. The title of the book is again also the topic: Let us finally free ourselves from locally optimizing teams or departments which, in the best case, has no effect but, in most cases, has a negative effect on the overall performance of the organization. Why this is true and how we can go about it in a more clever way is discussed in the article and, in greater detail, in the book.

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