|24 Sep 2015|Katrin Dietze

Interview for the book "Kanban Change Leadership"

Book, Events

kanban change leadership coverIt took a while until the Kanban standard work Kanban in der IT by Klaus Leopold and Sigi Kaltenecker was translated into English. Since June, it has now been available at your local bookstore in English under the title Kanban Change Leadership. Several positive reviews have already been posted which can be found on Amazon.
In light of the book’s publication, Ben Linders from InfoQ interviewed Klaus and Sigi. They spoke about the dimensions of change steps, problem solving strategies, WiP limits, the theory of constraints and much much more. Here is the interview…
For those of you who would like to purchase a copy of Kanban Change Leadership, you now have the chance to save some real money until the end of the year. If you order it from the Wiley Website, you can get an additional 25% off the book by entering the promo code VBJ24 when ordering.
Enjoy reading!

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