|27 Sep 2015|Katrin Dietze

Agile Scaling: Kanban!


austrian testing board logoVERY cool title: “Agile Scaling: Kanban!”, after all it says what it does and it does what it says. Klaus has been invited to the Austrian Testing Board to speak specifically about this current hot topic. And the exciting part about Kanban’s perspective on several teams and projects is that scaling within the world of Kanban is not even an issue because Kanban is inherently scalable. You need exactly two things to make Kanban scalable: (1) You have to do real Kanban and (2) you must simply do more Kanban. And how do we do this? Klaus will show a case study where Kanban was implemented successfully within a department of about 200 people.
When and where? On October 7, 6 p.m. in Tech Gate Vienna, on level 7, Donaustadt, AT. See the event at Xing. Event language is german.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Austrian Testing Board!!

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